Memoirs of a Geisha

51dom4dyhql-_sy344_bo1204203200_Memoirs of a Geisha was a great way to start the year. It was a book that took me to a whole other culture and society – the Japanese one during the early 1900s. Despite the fact that it is fictional, it is the story of millions of Japanese women who are sold or willingly become Geisha.

They go through a hard process of training and labour (from the family that is keeping them, like the one with the main character). However, becoming a good and famous Geisha like Chiyo, the main character, calls for a famous mentor. Therefore, if Chiyo hadn’t met Mameha, or even Hatsumomo, who is mean to her, then she probably would not be the famous Geisha who everyone wants.

Throughout the novel, Chiyo falls in love with a man much older than her – which is kind of weird, but still… That man, the chairman, eventually becomes her danna – instead of Nobu, who also loves Chiyo.

One important part of this book was when Satsu, Chiyo’s older sister, becomes a prostitute instead of a Geisha because of her appearance. Chiyo has lovely grey eyes, which helps her get out of the prostitute business/line while Satsu was less fortunate. This shows how society only looked at a woman’s appearance in comparison with a woman’s inner personality, thoughts, feelings or ideas. The danna aspect of Japanese culture also reinforces the agency men had over women as being a danna is basically being the person in power of the woman.

Overall, this book was one of the best books I’ve ever read – AGAIN!11

Rating: 9.9bar/10 (third 9.9 bar) ❤ ❤ ❤


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